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» OSMlanduse European Union Validation Mapathon started während der EU Regions Week
06.10.2020 Alexander Zipf

OSMlanduse European Union Validation Mapathon started während der EU Regions Week

OSMlanduse European Union Validation Mapathon started während der EU Regions Week

Nehmen Sie online teil an einer aktuellen Validierungskampagne des neuen OSMlanduse.org Datenprodukts für die EU Mitgliedstaaten! Eine neue Landnutzungskarte wurde durch die Kombination von Satellitendaten und OpenStreetMap mittels maschinellem Lernen durch die Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg erstellt. Die Qualität des Datensatzes wird nun durch Freiwillige validiert. Hierbei können Sie online teilnehmen oder auch einen Workshop im Rahmen der EU Regions Week besuchen:

Weitere Details unter: http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2020/10/06/osmlanduse-european-union-validation-effort/

The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University launched a validation campaign of our new 10meter resolution OSMlanduse product for the member states of the European Union. Please contribute to the validation here. A technique where contributions are checked against each other is implemented to promote quality of information. The mapathon comes in four themes: nature, urban, agriculture or expert.

While the expert campaign may be addressed exclusively by application professionals the themes nature, urban, agriculture can be done by anyone that is enthusiastic about geography. Contribute here and choose your flavor.

We described our new landuse map based on the combination of OpenStreetMap and Sentinel satellite data through machine learning in an earlier post.


The validation effort is also featured during the EU regions week where a web presentation and an interactive workshop is conducted by Dr. Michael Schultz (Giscience HD) and Ana-Maria Raimond Tue 14, October 2020, 9:30 Click here to join the validation. The EU regions event is upon registration only and participation of the validation is open for everyone.

Urban campaign land use classes for validation

Urban campaign land use classes for validation

Agriculture campaign land use classes for validation

Agriculture campaign land use classes for validation

Nature campaign land use classes for validation

Nature campaign land use classes for validation

Interface of validation

Interface of validation

land use of Europe, Heidelberg and a countryside in Utrecht

Examples of the novel GIScience OSMlanduse land use product, from left to right: land use of Europe, Heidelberg and a countryside in Utrecht

The new OSMlanduse map is developed, deployed and hosted also with support from HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology).

Related Work:

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» OSMlanduse European Union Validation Mapathon started während der EU Regions Week